In a decidedly rare approach to mixing black metal with hardcore elements that succeeds in every regard, this band takes a unique amalgamation of influences from the likes of Pig Destroyer, Higher Power, and Lock Up to bring us a stellar EP that meshes together fluidly and naturally.
In a little over ten minutes, and across six songs, we are treated to tracks from across the metal spectrum that refuse to stay in one place for too long. After the heavy as hell opening track "Oath", we as the listeners are bombarded by brutal death metal riffing on top of hardcore vocals, weaving gorgeously between a harsh black metal rasp and a guttural growl on tracks such as Dehumanized and Atom Bomb.
"Among Shadows" features the most black metal DNA in its slower paced black-n-roll riffing style and dissonant guitar playing that gives way to the punky and punchy drum beats and fierce death metal six-string chug. It is the longest track on the record and gives an excellent impression as to what identity that the band want to portray. There are equal parts black metal riffs, that would be right at home on a Sargeist or Mutiilation tape, just as the New York inspired hardcore vocals would fit in at a floor show.
Not to say that the record is full throttle all the time, however "Distance/Depression" is a welcome interlude placed in the middle of the EP that helps to break things up. The song is an ambient minute or so long ambient guitar track, reminiscent of the likes of what At the Gates or Hypocrisy would have in their 1990s efforts. Overall, a very solid release that shows off a lot of promise and potential. My only real complaint is that there isn't more of it. Though in typical hardcore fashion, it is just like a one-two punch, in your face and unashamedly unapologetic album.
Larry Passenier - Vocals/Guitar/Bass
Jason Ingersoll - Guitar
Adam Eklund - Drums

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