Earlier this year Still World released a monster of an EP during a very dark time in the world. If one good thing is to come out of the chaos around us, that thing is "Dark Matter". "Dark Matter" 5 song masterpiece that will pick you up and make you want to fight again. Below are just a few of my favorite tracks, but there isn't a weak song on the album.
The album begins with "Disease", soft guitar leading into throat tearing screams as the pace quickens. You can hear the passion and intensity in every word that is screamed, raw emotion that sends goosebumps across your body. Clean vocals come in for the chorus, accompanied by a lighter guitar progression before it transitions back to the incredibly groovy leading riff.
"Dark Matter" sits as the final track on the album, and it becomes apparent why this is the title track. An impeccable guitar riff reminiscent of Architects leads into a soft verse, the beautiful clean vocals delivering a powerful performance. The screams are scattered perfectly throughout the track, leading into a neck-snapping breakdown that shifts back to the lighter swaying chorus that will be stuck in your head all day.
"Dark Matter" is a must for any fans of the metalcore genre, this album will not disappoint.
Band Members:
Scott Kelly-Vocals
Dan Vallejo- Guitar/Vocals
Jake Carbonara- Guitar/Vocals
Jensen Cameron-Drums
