Frontal Assault, the 2016 born thrash metal band out of Cedar Rapids, released a killer EP this year titled Assisted Beliefs.
Anthony Thomas, William Hall and Kyle Templeton of this group do not disappoint.
“We’re really proud of the final product, and we hope that it’s well received. We had a great time making and writing it.” Said the ensemble.
The 17 minutes and 58 seconds of brutal riffage can be heard on itunes, spotify, google play music, and apple music. If you’d like to preview the album before making a purchase, you can find that at
This wicked and exquisite compilation consists of 5 sweet tracks. I must say, I am very much keen on the skull art they chose for the cover.
We begin the record with "Sadism", a 3 minute and 35 second jam consisting of panned vocals that gives this song a uniqueness amongst the others.
"Assisted Beliefs", their title track, is a 3 minute and 36 second enjoyment, and I must add that it was my favorite thus far in the album. The crisp riffs and the awesome beats immediately got my attention. Old school thrash feels make up this creation.
The message Frontal Assault puts out to the world is admirable and I dig it.
“Think, think, think!” the band said, “Be you, keep your mind open. Keep your eyes and ears open, believe what you see with your own two eyes, don’t give in to the greedy money hungry politicians narrative, we are one, and fuck police brutality!”
The self-explanatory "Kill Your Local Congressman", coming in at numero tres, is 2 minutes and 20 seconds of speedy sounds which made for a fine introduction to the following track.
Darting in at number 4, we have "Self Induced Whiplash", with a running time of 3 minutes and 40 seconds. Warning, you will probably get self-induced whiplash if you head bang to the velocity of these beats.
The fifth and final scrumptious tune, "SkullSplit GutSlit" is a 4 minute and 45 second innovation that had me head banging ever so slightly at my desk. The riffs in this one are groove oriented and I love the pauses they give you; it was like a tease. You cannot help but get into a pleasing head space when listening. I had to know who authored the title, “SkullSplit GutSlit”;“Our guitarist Anthony came up with that one specificity but usually it’s a collaborative effort, we’ll normally take from the main message of the song and get a title out of that idea.”, the guys said.
“Pure Death Thrash from Cedar Rapids Iowa.” This is the bands description on their Facebook page and they couldn’t have said it better.
"SkullSplit GutSlit" stole the show for me, hands down. I recommend giving these awesome dudes a listen.
- Jenny Holland
Frontal Assault Is:
Anthony Thomas
William Hall
Kyle Templeton

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