Animosity, cathartic rage, and pure fucking CHAOS!
Progressive-Hardcore Behemoths from Rockford, Illinois Dead/Awake are here to grab you by the throat and throw you to the ground with their debut 6-track EP entitled Insurrectionist. (For fans of VCTMS, Altered Perceptions, Black Tongue) Formed in 2017, fueled by acts such as Spite and v, utilizing detuned 8-string guitars, thunderous drum work, and all-around astounding musicianship, these boys have awakened something inhuman with their music. With this being their debut release, also under We Are Triumphant Records, they have only just begun their reign as one of Chicago’s heaviest newcomers.
"Prelude" opens with a ghostly voice uttering something incomprehensive to warn you of the coming turmoil of the record. A brilliant introduction followed by berserk Esque palm-muting and shrilling vocals accompanied by an ambient high-pitched ring. This song follows its pace until it’s determined you’ve had enough… Leaving you in an atmospheric hum to contemplate what you’ve just experienced.
"The Pale Horse" (Feat. Tyler Shelton of Traitors) delivers a new definition of “deathcore” with this tempo changing, a down-tuned maniacal symphony of rage. Dissonant high pitched chords escorted by high BPM double bass work leading to half-timed verses and shrilling vocals decorate this piece flawlessly from start to finish. We are left hanging on one last chant, “You will learn to fear my name!” before the vocalists go absolutely berserk and begin spewing blood-curdling nonsense to remind you that this isn’t music for the faint-hearted.
"Kingslayer" (Feat. David Simonich of Signs of the Swarm) awakens with the sound of dissonant chords and swells of the cymbals, driven headfirst into a classic downtempo “beatdown” style verse sure to stir up a mosh pit in any live setting. Being one of the more progressive tracks on the record, this song is riddled with rapidly changing time signatures, tempo changes, bass drops, experimental guitar noises, and “guttural” style vocals. Also contains one of the more brutal breakdowns on this EP, this track is truly a heavy hitter!
"The Gallows" is no exception to Dead/Awake’s trend of punishingly fast-paced riffwork. However, being the perfect in-between of the album, we are given a chance to breathe, as the last half of the song is all but empty, leaving space only for creepy spectral sounds and bells.
"Ultra Vitam" (Feat. Kyle Anderson of The Afterimage), being the second to last song on the record, is another prime example of the image of controlled chaos that Dead/Awake has established for themselves. Midway through this track, the beat hurls down to another “beatdown” style breakdown designed to bring you to the floor. Though, all hope isn’t lost as we are soothed by a beautiful number on piano, almost eerie in its contrast to the theme of the album.
"Snake in the Grass" (Feat. Frankie Palmeri of Emmure) Insurrectionist’s finale piece awakens with an evil discordic symphony of incongruity that crawls into a disharmonic shrilling verse accompanied by demonic vocals. This track utilizes Dead/Awake’s famous detuned guitars in terrifying polyrhythmic, downtuned, and progressively styled verses. We aren’t let off easy as they personally rip your heart out with one last maniacal breakdown.
With eyes wide and soul was torn in two, you’ve just experienced Dead/Awake.
Released October 5, 2018
Label: We Are Triumphant Records
Dead/Awake Is:
Michael Campa [guitar, back-up vocals]
Dillon Hare [vocals]
Payton Kuhn [drums]
Anthony Schlickman [bass]
Noah Lopez [vocals]
Morgan Eaarp [guitar]

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