Crusadist masterfully blends thrash and death metal with traditional heavy metal to craft and shape their music, with The Unholy Grail sitting as a testament to their unbridled talent and potential. From headbanging riffs and brutal vocals to blistering solos and pummeling drums, this album has it all.
If the battle is only minutes away, take the time to listen to the songs listed below for a quick spike in adrenaline, perfect for dismembering your enemies.
"The Unholy Grail" sits as the second song and also as the title track, and is the perfect embodiment of the atmosphere and aggression found within the rest of the album. The vocals are layered over sinister riffs, sending shivers down the spine of anyone who listens. The drums are unrelenting throughout the duration of the song, with impeccable timing and precision that fits perfectly with the tone.
"Tempered In Black Flame" kicks off with ordered chaos of guitar and drums synced perfectly together, the vocals raising the call to arms with preparations for war. While every second of the song is absolutely flawless, the guitar solo really sets "Tempered In Black Flame" apart from the rest of the songs on the album, mixing emotion with technical mastery beautifully.
"A Moonlight Brigade" has an intro that will snap your neck from headbanging. The guitar riff layered over the drums will send goosebumps across your body, a perfect progression with incredible pacing. That theme for the instruments is scattered throughout the rest of the song, keeping it interesting and engaging for when the throat tearing vocals click into place to round out the song.
If you don't have to immediately suit up for battle, you have plenty of time to listen to the rest of the album, and no excuses either. This list barely scratches the surface, get listening or get going!
Shaun Albro - Vocalist/Lyricist Aaron Nobles - Guitarist Luke Sever - Lead Guitarist Kevin Ariel - Bassist Jason Rak - Drummer

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