Carnivora is a five-piece band from the witch city of Salem, Massachusetts, and recently released a monster of a song and accompanying music video. No matter your musical background, you will find something to love in this song.
“Bogdweller” checks all the boxes for a single release. The instruments are amazing, from fast, explosive drums to the killer riffs sprinkled throughout the duration of the song. Not to mention the incredibly powerful vocals, the demonic screams are perfectly balanced with the angelic clean vocals, providing multiple dimensions and depth to the song. You can feel the emotion behind each line, delivering aggressive and uplifting lyrics, a dichotomy rarely well, but in the case of “Bogdweller”, executed to perfection.
This single is for everyone, so stop reading and go check it out!
Haydee Irizarry - Vocals
Cody Michaud - Guitar
Mike Meehan - Guitar
Justin Brown - Bass
Dan DeLucia - Drums

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